Sunday, July 6, 2008

Real Weemen Eat Meat

What a fucking minger, must be from Texas.

I never liked Jessica Simpson much and as far as I know she doesn't read any of my blogs so fuck the bitch. I remember her as a wanna be pop singer and have seen her meteoric rise to wanna be actress and useless celeb.

To boost her career after its high point of a reality show she now dates American footballers and wears t-shirts with slogans that express her personality.
She was seen wearing a t-shirt saying "Real women eat meat" I tested this theory by trying to force ground beef into the mouth hole of my 'real Mj' rubber doll but it didn't chew the meat and I had much trouble cleaning it out before I used it again, fucking old dead meat is so 1890's and my necrophilia phase is long past though sometimes I like to dig up the odd old friend.

Don't bother looking at her tits as they are fake, thats like wanking over two inflated balloons.
Pamela Anderson the famous hoor and exploiter of the female form (terrible I say) has taken great offense at Simpson wearing the slogan.
Being a member of PETA that crazy in the head animal rights group that set up an animal shelter and ended up putting most of the animals doon she doesn't like people choosing for themselves.

She like eating meat well enough in her home movie.

That's what these groups are really about not saving animals from abuse but forcing their agenda onto others. You can't hunt or farm animals in any way and also you can't eat them because they don't like it.

Clay Aiken American Idol loser and Spamalot star has cum out in support of Simpson............ but hes not ghey.

I like eating animals and at one time in my life I was forced to eat very little meat due to being in a Russian Guglag for 4 years and so my fellow inmates started to looked like roast chickens like they do in the cartoons and soon I wasn't allowed to have cell mates.

Being picky about food has caused the most traumatic events in history, the Potato famine could have been avoided if the picky Irish ate the soy substitute and beef, lamb and cabbage etc but oh no they wanted potatoes.

The Holocaust would never had happened if the Jews ate the food the Germans served but oh no it wasn't Kosher and the Katrina disaster would not have been so bad if the US government sent some BBQ chicken to compliment the rice they sent.

If yer eyes at the front of yer head yer a hunter and need to eat meat, it does my old heart harm when I see vegetarians putting their dogs on meatless diets and then try to tell you they are happy.

Animals love being eaten, it gives their life purpose.

I see no need for the factory farming and the pumping of steroids into animals except greed and think that the animals should be treated better before they are slaughtered for our plates, if you kill something do it fast so there is less suffering if you were to die you'd probably want that for yerself .

PETA need to fuck off, they go on about wearing fur but they hardly ever mention leather and you know why? because bikers wear leather and they would really fuck them up more than a KFC eating chav wearing Burberry .