Sunday, July 13, 2008

Life In So-Cal

Taggers tagging
Gangs ganging
Fires Blazing
Guns banging
Life in So-Cal what a load of bollocks, but I'm here sweating it out so suck on my dick chick.

Sun shining
Balls dripping
Dirty hoors earning
Crackheads tripping

Life in So-Cal not like the movies wheres my MILFs and horny drunk cheerleaders all this crap is not very groovy?

Beaners playing Polka
How uncool
Drinking from paper bags
Chatting up the lip liner slags

Life in So-Cal junk in the trunk, they call pop rock and don't know punk, pushing their strollers with their bellies hanging out are you my baby daddy?

Fat people
Power scooters
Making buses late
Fake freedom great

Life in So-Cal what a bunch of lies, hypocrisy, apathy drink the water and you die.

Rain is the main news
Murders all the time
Boobs are plastic
Nose job rehab
Everything is spastic knicker elastic

Money is God and the lawns are green, words are hollow and you act like a fool but I'm adding to the gene pool unless of course you swallow. life in So-Cal funny as fuck.

A funny mole on my back and no one can understand me, south on East street and head on north I'm no buying yer cult today so fuck away off and have a nice day and Jesus loves you but I think yer a cunt.

Love it or leave it................. if I stay will it piss you off more?