Saturday, March 21, 2009

Do Vegans Swallow?

Vegetarians have a few screws loose I think we can all agree on that. I mean meat (especially pig and human) is just so darn tasty but vegans are worse, talk about Joho , food Nazi types with membership in PETA.

Heather Mills is that one legged vegan who married soft as shite Paul McCartney and then fucked the gullible cunt just like Michael Jackson when he bought the rights to the Beatles songs.

She has 24 million since the divorce so she decided to buy a popular fish restaurant near her home of Hove, the crazy cunt then took fish off the menu.

I heard she was going to buy a Burger King and do away with burgers and a KFC and do away with chicken or whatever it is they cook.

Its going to be a vegan restaurant which is odd as vegans don't have much meat on them.

Fuck you seafood lovers and fuck the 6 staff members as they will no longer be employed. She first agreed to pay £255,000, but then forced the price down to £140,000.

Former owner Nick Short said about the price fall: "I have been well and truly worked over by Heather."

I'd give a fuck but his greed worked himself over. I don't care if he was cut or nicked short.

Mills had eaten there 'about 20 times' with Bea, her five-year-old daughter and also with Sir Paul before the divorce.

The place sold traditional fry-ups which made the empire great, it also had veggie food on the menu and battered seal cub in a red wine sass.

Miss Mills's publicist said: 'The real estate market around the country is falling and no one forced the owner to sell. I think Hove, any town really, will be well served by a healthy foods cafe like this.'

To be honest fish stinks and is too bony. I like a good battered sausage.

I was just watching on the BBC news about how organic products aren't selling because of the high price they charge. You mean like expensive cars and electronic equipment? So many restaurants not only fail in the first year but are just failing, its a luxury and soon Manuel will be blogging about being a 'Well done rent boy'.

I don't see the point of organic foods. You charge extra and leave out half the stuff. I did work on an organic goat farm in France once but that was for my love of goats. Yes French goats do have hairy leg pits.

I want me drugs and artificial flavours left in me foods. I want me Trans fats me steroids and asteroids I want to feel and taste like I've just eaten something.

Phasers set to kill for vegans I'll have a Whopper when I first wake up and I won't be thinking about Heather Mills.

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