When Israeli President Shimon Peres kissed her on the cheek (twice) Hilary did that cutesy girly thing of closing her eyes.
I know Hil has been coached on how to act body language wise, when politicians take the stage they point into the crowd and say 'Hi' like they recognise someone. You can't fool Old Knudsen, he has been highly trained in counter counter espionage and successfully sold snake oil as a cure for all for 7 years before the tar and feathering incident which he doesn't want to talk about.
I lost my painful erection (I was wearing black leather trousers) when Hilary announced the US would be donating $900 million to rebuild the Gaza Strip. What a fucking load of toss. She said that none of the money would be going to Hamas.
How the fuck are you going to stop that? Hamas broke into a UN compound and stole supplies that were to be distributed to the Palestine people, they don't give a shit cos they are cunty cunt cunt cunts.
The money will be spent on rockets and mortars that the cunts will fire into Israel. Since the cease-fire of January they have fired 350 of them.
Why Palestine? rebuild yer own fucking cuntry, start with the schools and the health care system, stop cutting jobs cos yer giving the money to crazy fuckers who celebrated on 9/11.
If you want to rebuild the Gaza Strip buy some porta-cabins and ship them over, of course getting a receipt so you know the money wasn't spent on rockets.
Well I suppose if yer going to rebuild the Gaza Strip you should level it and clear it off first, build some nice Sinagogs and Casinos.
There is a lot between doing and saying so maybe this is just feel good talk and the money will be in installments and never fully paid, you know like all the monsy pledges cuntries made after the Tusnami. Usually when the US gives money it cums with the condition that a US military out-post gets set up there, Africa is full of them, nice wee supply points.
I'm off to think about a Hilary and Condolezzer Rice 3-way, hubba hubba.
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