Monday, March 23, 2009

The Island Of The Moon

You people are idiots and I am disgusted at you. Now you can see what Lemurs are capable of?

President Marc Ravalomanana of Madagascar has fled for his life and now in power is Andy Rajoelina, a 34-year-old former DJ. That is like putting an actor in charge of a cuntry, who would do a stupid thing like that?

He has to re-write the constitution to make it legal for him to be in charge as he is 6 years too young. Constitutions are like rolls of shite wipe and not worth the paper they are printed on if you ask me. America has amended (changed) theirs 48,000 times or so since President Benjamin Franklin the inventor of the $100 dollar bill wrote it.

Notice anything odd about good time Andy? yes he is a skinny runt but apart from that whats with the false human ears? You know he is one of the Lemur hybrids that walk among us.


Madagascar being the base of Lemur world domination plays a vital role in the balance of power. Since the change of US administrations all military aid has ceased and the Lemurs saw this as their time to attack. Just think what would happen if the US stopped aiding Israel.

First the Lemurs send in the Polar-rats as their assault troops to make all those loyal to the democratically voted in government flee to less well secure buildings and then the human troops cum in to put a normal face upon things. Text book I say as any former operative would agree.

Here is a picture taken by the BBC of the capitol of Madagascar Antananarivo after the coup or coo.

Now for the bit of overwhelming evidence that shows I'm no insane All work and no play makes Knudsen a dull boy! All work and no play makes Knudsen a dull boy! All work and no play makes Knudsen a dull boy! All work and no play makes Knudsen a dull boy! All work and no play makes Knudsen a dull boy! All work and no play makes Knudsen a dull boy! All work and no play makes Knudsen a dull boy! All work and no play makes Knudsen a dull boy!

As I was saying. The Pope has started a tour of Africa the same time as the Lemur take over. See? see?

The same man who wants to wipe you out with aids by refusing to wear a condom is in place to direct the action.

I rest my case and my sore leg. take up my cause or we're all doomed, doomed, doomed I say doomed!

In case you didn't get that I said doomed!

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