Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Stop The Hate!

I think racial profiling is a terrible thing. Just because black people cause most of the crime in a city doesn't mean you should harass a group of young black men loading their handguns behind the local Mini-Mart late at night. Just because middle eastern types use planes to blow up a few buildings doesn't mean you should stop every wog with crazy eyes and fuses in their shoes from getting onto planes. Its just plain wrong and ever so racist.

You should be stopping the white people on the off chance they have stuffed a load of bombs up their toddler's bung hole or the fat shite on the power scooter in case they are going to ram raid a shop. "Hey check out that granny, she could be Bin laden in disguise."

Now doesn't that make more sense?

In the Die hard films no one ever checks the Euro trash terrorists with the Armani suits and thick German accents and look how that turns out. We all know that the Die Hard Fourlogy are inspired by true events.

One group of majority people in Callyfornia 'The Hispanics' are complaining that immigration and border police are targeting them as possible illegal immigrants. Just because yer brown, climbing a fence and can only speak Spanish doesn't mean yer a possible illegal alien ...........

We must stamp out this racism, c'mon Obama get behind me on this or are you too busy with yer water melons?

Oh are water melons a racist thing? oh I did not know, here have some fried BBQ chicken and lets be friends.

Look to our other border and check oot those Canadians.

A pair of possible terrorists, look at their mad eyes and the obvious hate of America they have. Its a silent invasion. They blend in and take over the media, the only way you can tell them apart from safe people 'too dumb and lazy to be terrorists' (Americans) is the way they speak and their love for the porn.

Oot and aboot also 'eh' at the end of each sentence. Lets build a wall across the border, we can get a cheap source of labour thanks to the Mexicans and maybe some air to surface to canuck missiles pointed north.

I want to see a colour and gender blind future where everyone is equal, all police reports will be "Be on the lookout for a human being" no this is not a cunning plan to get rid of the Catholic church but now you cum to think of it.

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