Monday, March 1, 2010

Beware Of Bald Animals

Old Knudsen has kept quiet about the killing of an animal trainer at SeaWorld Orlando by a performing killer whale but he cannot hold his tongue any longer.

Dawn Brancheau a 40 year-old with a history of swimming with whales was grabbed by 12,000-pound Tilikum AKA 'Shamu' and drowned and tossed about as is the way of an orca, much like the way a dog would shake its prey to break it.

In 91 and 99 Tilikum also played a part in the deaths of two others but hey the show must go on and Tilikum has performed again though the trainers are staying out of the water until another review to clear the large fish posing as a mammal under a false name has taken place.

One expert said this is not normal killer whale behaviour but captive animal frustration but we have seen free orcas catching seals and tossing them into the air for fun .

Seal was not available for comments about being tossed but I bet Heidi being German and all does it by the numbers, a very efficient people yet total losers.

Are wild animal trainers thick as pig shit ? of course you'd go into a crib or den of lions because they are big cuddly wuddly pudy cats.

Look at this one wouldn't you just like to give it a big hug?

Or even a polar bear I know I'd like to ruffle up that fur with my face though watch out for the gulls, related to Velociraptors you know.

A big fuck off Tsunami, Steve Irwin being murdered by a peaceful stingray, the numerous wildfires and earthquakes. I say we have warred against each other for long enough, our main common enemy is nature.

Kill the whales, preemptive strike the parks and wooded areas, show nature we are not bitches that can be killed without a fight.

The cute doggies, lions and polar bears can stay but anything with killer in its title or lemurs have to go and that includes bees but not African bees because that would be racist .......... or would leaving them out be racist?

Part black part white just like Obama and Halle Berry though I wouldn't call them murderers just yet.
Don't see colour just see killer and um kill them. Do farm animals like cows, pigs and chickens not like to be killed for our food? You can trust me as I am an expert about things most people haven't even thought of yet.

Moby dick would kill you without treatment

As would the rage filled music dude .