Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rock Pedo Pope

Come on up Old Knudsen we have someone that wants to meet you.

Some people dismiss Gog's plan for us all but still go on about karma. I say Gog as in the Universe not that crazy fucker with the floods, raping virgins and killing yer son to make a point cunt.
The thing is, either way shite and good things are bound to happen. Not so much a plan or some vague rule of karma that if you do something bad you'll get it put back onto you thing.

Old Knudsen does good things without thought and later wonders why he still gets the bad end of karma and so he does something bad because what the fuck does it matter?

For example, priests can go for decades raping young boys and will get away with it because its bad P.R. they do what they please and get a pension then go to heaven if it existed, the last I had heard was they had knocked it doon to build hooses on.

A prick of a husband treats his wife like shite and his kids even worse but he goes years without having to account for himself and can even make them revisit the pain via a divorce which he fights all the way just because he is a cunt.

History is full of people taking advantage hospitality and seeing politeness as weakness and the whole treat people as you would have them treat you doesn't work if everyone doesn't play.

Karma takes its on sweet time. Who doesn't want to think that by going to church you'll have Gog on yer side or by being a nice person nice things will happen to you ?

Its all very impersonal until you are needed by the creepy angels and up until then you have to rely on luck to make sure you don't become colateral in an earthquake or a mugging.

At least 37 people have been killed after two female suicide bombers blew themselves up on Moscow Metro trains in the morning rush hour.

Good night and may yer Gogs go with you.
