Saturday, March 6, 2010

How About Learning For A Change?

Yet another post about the death penalty and why? because people are cunts! No you can't have a death penalty because that would be inhumane for the rapist/pedo/murderer who tortured their victim for hours and it would also cost too much according some stupid biased study that took 20 years of appeals into account. Let them suffer in prison with their like minded friends getting free meals and health care but only give then 200 cable channels as punishment then when they show their good manners after their time out we'll release them.

Chelsea King a 17-year-old Southern California gurl was out jogging when she disappeared. She is 5'5", 115 lbs, Hair Color Blond or Strawberry Blond, Blue Eyes and a Senior at Poway High School. An Honour Student with straight A's did Peer counseling, Cross Country Running a
Clean Up San Diego Volunteer and a Tutor to the San Diego Youth. Responsible, Conscientious, Loving and Intelligent until she caught the attention of a smiling demon.

She was last seen February 25, 2010 4:00pm at Rancho Bernardo Community Park. Police searched the area and 5 days later found Chelsea in a shallow grave. Semen on her clothes lead police to John Albert Gardner III aged 30 who was already on the sex offenders list. Excellent work huh another crime solved.

Why did this crime happen? Gardner was convicted in 2000 of molesting a 13-year-old gurl. He had lured the teen to his house under the premise of watching a movie. The girl was repeatedly beaten about the head before escaping and calling for help. She got lucky it seems and so did he.

A psychiatrist recommended that Gardner be given the maximum sentence of at least 10 years in prison because he showed no remorse and was a "continued danger to underage girls in the society."
San Diego prosecutors agreed to lesser charges to spare the victim the ordeal of testifying so were they just not listening?

He was actually facing 30 years for the charges but Gardner received a sentence of just six years which he served just over five. I guess the judge in his/her wisdom somehow thought it was all a big misunderstanding about the 13-year-old gurl and the psychiatrist was talking out of his arse as they tend to do, the gurl was probably asking for it anyway so give the lad a break.

In addition to Gardner being released there are roughly 600,000 registered sex offenders across America , and no one knows where 25 percent of them are, not that it matters because they knew where to find Gardner.

Police say they also have evidence linking Gardner to the December 27 th assault on a 22-year-old woman who was jogging in the same area. Fuck the police are spot on here give them a badge or something.

They also now think there is a connection between Gardner and the disappearance of Amber Dubois a 15-year-old girl last seen on her way to High School in Escondido in February of 2009.

Ach c'mon he served his time stop tryin to pin every murder or assault that has his spunk at the scene on the crime or when he is identified, thats called harassment he had to have learned his lesson in prison because its such a deterrent right ?

Gardner who was released from prison in 2005 and finished his parole in 2008 was arrested February 28th in front of a Mexican restaurant and bar called "Hernandez Hide-A-Way" I wonder if Chelsea or Amber liked Mexican food.

Its a sad tale about a gurl who was nicknamed 'my Angel' by her father but the sadder thing is that this story gets repeated every year numerous times just different people hence the various new laws like Jessica's Law, Megan's Law, Ashley's Law and the Amber Act, the latter having electronic highway signs and emergency-alert systems that broadcast or display messages about abducted children usually known as an Amber alert.

have a Chelsea law and make it the last law named after a dead kid, this law will make sure that violent members of society never see the light of day again and I mean that literally, is that too inhumane, what about the perpetrator's human rights? ask Jessica, Megan, Ashley, Amber, Amber Dubois, Samantha Runnion, Madeleine McCann and Chelsea King if its too inhumane, oh thats right we can't.