Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Soft Porn To Hard Scorn

New evidence has been found in the in the 1963 assassination of John F Kennedy. A serial dirty dick Kennedy cheated on his wife on numerous occasions mostly with weemen and their lapdogs.

While everyone looks towards the lone brainwashed communist, the Mafia or America's ruling elite, Old Knudsen points a stained nicotine finger at time traveling celebs.

What ya think only Old Knudsen, Dr Who and HG fucking Wells are the only time travelers? In the year 2143 Kim Kardashian rules the world with an army of Kimmy Klones ™ . Paris Hilton tried it but really if ya had to pick a sex tape to tug the lad to who would ya pick? .......... yep having an arse puts you a head.

JFK also time travels.

No doubt using the same iTravel device as Kim does. 

Everyone thought that Kim was shagging Justin Bieber but no, it was the original big haired sex machine JFK himself.

Rumour has it that Kim smelled Paris Hilton's perfume 'just me' on his shirt and Paris Hilton's 'just hoor' on his cock.

Old Knudsen doesn't deal in rumours go look at the assy knoll for the truth.