Sunday, March 2, 2008

Not A Bad Loser But Hey It Has To Be Said

I read the results of the Irish blog awards. Bearing in mind I had already put up 'Two time loser' in my sidebar under the awards link so I had no illusion my news blog would win for pop culture blog as it was not the right category for it.

I'm sure the winner of the award is very pleased, now I've heard of them. I went to their blog to find........................... short posts and a load of YouTubes. For fucks sake imagine getting awards for posting YouTubes so much for the whole quality thing.
At least last years popularity vote was more honest. Yes 20 Major did win a couple, he is the Vladimir Putin of Irish blogs.

I was shocked that Manuel didn't win for food and drink as he puts work into his blog too, he was beaten by ....................... recipes.
For fucks sake from now on its YouTubes and copy and paste for me.

I'm not worried a couple of blogs I had heard of won and unless I re-name my blog Old Bitter leprechaun I have a black mans chance of getting into the Whitehoose than winning the Irish Blogs.

Well done to some of the winners you've worked hard at the old networking next year I'd advise a better system of picking winners like casting chicken bones as it all boils doon to popularity anyway, I lost faith when Swearing Lady didn't win last year.

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