PETA the crazy hypocritical animal rights group stages a Mothers Day demonstration at Covent Garden in London.
Heres my thing, do pigs get unhappy? I've never seen an unhappy pig. I want to know just how many pigs are on anti-depressants.
I'm not talking about police officers here I mean the big dirty but tasty animals who would eat you given the chance, just ask that Canadian pig farming serial killer if ya don't believe me.
PETA are nuts and have put doon more animals than I've put doon readers to my blog which reminds me, stop reading this shit, move out of yer parents hoose and get a life people.
I moved out of the family home when I reached 50, I mean why leave when you have it so good huh? But it was cramping my style as my mum would get jealous everytime I brought a lady friend home.
One time she went into a rage and destroyed all my model aeroplanes. Its Mother's day and I'm told I have to love her today so I'll not get into the whole cutting up of my caps thing.
I don't care who you are , you shouldn't keep pregnant weemen penned up in a tiny cage like that wearing nothing but her gunties on a cold February (last Thursday) it should be a bigger cage and give the gurl a blanket or something I'm sure weemen have rights as well as animals, I'm not lawyer so look that one up yersleves.
Everyone is having a laugh though the two toddlers look shocked, fucking pussies get used to it ya wee shites this is Britain's future.
To make their point further the preggie lass was taken away and shot in the head with a bolt gun then hung up on a hook and gutted. Crazy bastards.
Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers and I hope all the mother fuckers appreciate yous even though you hardly ever do that thing you used to do.