Friday, March 28, 2008

If The Cap Fits

Honourary Bitter Balls George Clooney finally came out of the closet to tell the world of his love for me, Old Knudsen. Its an honest pure kind of love so I don't want to hear about yer jealously.
He wore the cap impregnated with my DNA and spoke of how he loves to pop the pimples on my back but won't lance the boils. About the time at his home on lake Perry Como in Italy when we giggled on expensive wine and talked of many things and fell asleep spooning together under the stars.

Its not ghey so stow that talk its man love and can only make the world a better place, now if he would only give me a poke at his weemen friends that might be nice. Before you cunts go asking inappropriate things and condemning his brave move I'm a taker not a giver and hes hung like a soft bristled toothbrush.