Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Real Irish Blog Awards

Remember people the time has come yet again for the annual blog awards 'The Real Irish Blog Awards' to qualify as being Irish you must.

Have even the smallest drop of Irish blood in yer veins, and considering how the bog trotters breed like rats and are found all over the world to not have Irish blood would be odd.

To have ever had an alcoholic drink on St Patrick's day the patron saint of getting pissed.

To have an Irish sounding name. (Scottish will do as many can't tell the difference)

Have listened to a Celtic woman cd.

To have ever drank from the toilet bowl.

Eaten traditional Irish food such as corned beef and cabbage as Irish people eat everyday also potatoes (chips/french fries count)

The categories include:

Best Blog

Best Blog Post

Best Humourous Blog Post

Best Humourous Blog Post Containing Nudity

Best Pop Culture Blog

Best Blog Containing The Most Nudity

Most Ghey Blog

Best Use Of The Irish Language such as 'Feck' and 'Cont.'

Most Original Blog Containing YouTubes Of TV Shows

Most Bitter Against The English Blog

Best Blog That's Best Friends With The Organisers And Sure To Win

Blog Most Likely To Win Out Of Sympathy

To vote, think about yer choices here and then go to my news blog on the link below to cast yer vote. The winners get the attractive button above and 25 million Zimbabwean dollars.
The winners will be announced on the 17th March 2008 at a booze up at the Killamory town hall, tickets cost £50.00 book early for a folding chair.