Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The navy makes Gheys look queer.

I don't care what you think about actor Ryan Phillippe, its not yer opinion that matters here remember but I think hes a cunt I just get that impression everytime I see him.

That's not important his latest film is. He plays Sgt Brandon King in the film Stop-loss. Now I haven't seen it but its shite, I mean I don't have to shag fat Brenda to know she will give me the clap.

He is a soldier in Iraq but the film is not a war film. He does his tour of duty and is sent home, then he finds that the government it sending him back going by the Stop-loss policy that's a wee US military requirement for soldiers to remain in service beyond their normal discharge date. The UK has that too, if they need you within 5 years they can bring you back in.

The King character is a whiny shite because he thinks he did his part and should be let off, what does he call it 'back door drafting' I believe.

Maybe he should have read the terms and conditions. The film was directed by a woman, now nothing against weemen as they have their place in the world otherwise clothes would never get cleaned and dishes never washed cos we men are just sooooo bad at that HA! I'm sure this woman Kimberly Peirce who did 'Boys don't cry' and directed one episode of The 'L' word is well versed in the military mindset or at least the modern day American military mindset.

Yeah yeah they are doing a great job etc etc when they aren't getting their arses kicked by ragheads raping and shooting 14 year-old gurls and her family , killing Canadians and making human pyramids, mistakes happen in war, in the American case it happens more than most but hey if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be free or is that just the xenophobic fear that's been drummed into us talking?

This film is looking at things from a civilian point of view, being British and ex-military I don't think I have a god given right to be treated special, I took the oath to the Queen and that doesn't end upon discharge its a fucking oath, not a vow as in marriage that's different and quite disposable.

When you enlist you sign away yer rights and the government own yer arse so quit whining Sgt BK and go and do yer job and finish it this time.

I thought Nam vets whined like little gurls but now people think its a right to play their X-box .

The soldiers of WWII got on with the job and beat the enemy as they didn't have much choice, their bases didn't have Pizza huts and laundrettes provided by Haliburton , they ate spam for breakfast spam for lunch and if they were lucky spam for dinner and did they complain? fuck yes but it was better than nothing.

When Meril's marauders out in Burma or the forgotten war as it was called got dysentery they cut the arses out of their trousers and continued on, that's when Americans had some moxie and not just big mouths.

Bring back media censorship for war time as Churchill and FDR had and stop trying to undermine the war effort just because you don't believe in it.

The Islam extremists like any other terrorist needs double tapped because that's in the Bible....................... somewhere at the back.

On a side note, is everyone named Ryan a cunt?