Thursday, April 3, 2008

Why Obama Will Lose The Black Vote

Sent to me out of the blue by one of my loyal fans/stalkers. I thought he wouldn't get the black vote because he doesn't know how to be black, hes black like Condi , Halle Berry or Colon Bowel. The way you have sex change operations you could have race change operations. The wigger K-Fed is a white man who wants to be black, Obama and the rest are white men trapped in a black body, have you ever been trapped in a black body? I was once trapped in my Asian gurly boy wives' body once but I don't want to talk about it.

Lack of education when its free to them and high crime among the coloureds seems to me as if the stereotype of them being lazy is true but then again who was it that wanted slaves to do the work in the first place?