Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Americans Get It Wrong Again

If I had a vote I would not waste it on the toe the line Maverick or the vague learning to be black Oreo (its a biscuit thats black on the outside but white inside) I would vote for someone with real experience who has been in positions of power whether it be NASCAR the CIA or even as President himself.

Fred Thompson is white, a man and has a booming voice that can put young hot shot lawyers in their place.
A man that can change the direction of a storyline with a pivotal moment. He has an edge and don't take shit from tree huggers.

He wants to bring hope and change to the country, me I'd be happy with clean drinking water I don't have time to wait for the grit in my water to settle in order to drink it. I'm in God's fucking waiting room.

We must protect our borders or as in the local newspaper 'our boarders' fuck Yanks are daft. Those sneaking Canadians want to come in and play Americans on the telly, yes Shatner you Jewish Canuck cunt I'm on ta ya.

The Mexicans are heading south again for a better life so who cares about the southern border? They all heard that the fat lazy Americans were paying $5.00 per hour for them to build a wall.

To avoid the angry comments I'm not really against Jews, so what if they killed Jesus and are creepy as fuck and the reason for all the world's problems ? Death camps don't work so what can ya do?

Hippies, Occultists, Catholics, gheys and teenagers all need a punch and 2 weeks of sleep deprivation and protestant scripture.

After McCain has his 2 years and dies and then Palin has her 6 years as preez I'd like to see Tom Hanks and Bill Pullman run for President maybe Hallie Berry too being a woman and a half caste she'd be tough to beat but easy to beat off too.

I saw this and wondered what the point was. I'm sure Obama dresses like a woman for comfort, then I realised that they were pointing out who is more patriotic because one served and one didn't and Obama dresses like a raghead. Of course one didn't get caught by the enemy either .

I saw these other examples of treasonous behaviour.

Troops in Iraq being unpatriotically friendly with the ragheads.

"No Bill I get my cock sucked in the UK by the PM, I cum to America for you to give me a rimjob."

Chinese loving cunt! Michael Phelps is one ugly fucker, I'd just like to point that out.

I would choose Pikachu, just as good as any.

It all cums doon to this in the end. Hope, change or 40 year-old integrity politicans lie, thats their job.

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