Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Had A Day Off On September 11th

September 11th again and what a miserable anniversary like having someone die on yer birthday or at Christmas. The 15th August is another one for me being the date of the Omagh bombing there are many other terrible slaughters and disasters that stick in yer mind but the dates get a bit fuzzy.

Where was God on that day? or where the fuck was Superman cum to think of it.

I haven't given up looking for Obama, David Blaine was the latest rag head I've water boarded but the cunt liked it. When I left him at the side of the road after a week of torture he was begging me to freeze him in a block of ice and hang him from Big Ben

The stupid cunt doesn't realise that Big Ben is the bell inside the clock not the clock, what a tosser.

Speaking of tossers The Arch Bishop of Leeds............ my Nemesis. Yes the same one who threatened Google with legal action about one of my posts is a Fenian pedo cock sucker. I just wanted to remind you all

If you add the numbers 9/11 you get the number 20 which is the age of this gurl

Which means nothing at all. 911 is the emergency number for America, in the UK its 999 which turned upside doon is 666 which as we all know adds up to 24 the age that this gurl will be in 4 years. Just an excuse to show a nice pair of knockers.

Look who I saw doon the street yesterday. America being kind to its former ally faked his execution and put him into witness protection program. I chewed the fat with my old mucker having a laugh about the Iran/Iraq war and how the Yank advisers who trained the Iraqis and equipped them with weapons kept gassing the wrong cuntry cos they got confused with the names.

Everyone knows that Saddam helped Obama do the 9/11 attack which is why America invaded Iraq . In fact Saddam invested in the American flag industry just beforehand and in the 2 weeks of Yank patriotism he made millions. Of course the profits soon flagged and even the witness protection program had to make cuts due to a crashing economy which is why Saddam is where he is today.

Saddam in younger and more happier times.

On a different note it seems that young stars of Disney are wearing 'promise rings' that means they won't have sex until they are married. Considering the stars of Disney turn out to be right sluts I find this highly amusing. Remember 'Love is a promise delivered broken' not having sex before marriage is like buying shoes without trying them on.

Oh so thats why you won't have sex before marriage. Thanks to Jimmy Bastard for allowing me to post this picture, it takes guts.

Sarah Palin the soon to be VP has been getting the votes in rightly by supporting ghey conversion. Yer average poo pirate can be upgraded to straight by intense religious study, Protestant of course. Well done lass.

Go to my shop blog for more on the subject and make me rich ya cunts.

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