Thursday, September 25, 2008

They Have Annoyed Old Knudsen Again

Why does Old Knudsen keep picking on America? I'll tell ya why because its a soul-less cuntry worshiping money with leaders who serve themselves and not the people.

I have this neighbour named Karen, a 74 year-old barely getting by in her retirement with her 3 yappy dogs.
karen has a lot of junk in her trunk and facial moles that are total wanking material. I sometimes go over to check out her plumbing and hoe her garden if you know what I mean.

Well today a smiling Arnold Schwarzenegger the former movie star and now the Republican Governor of Callyfornya signed a late state budget cutting $150 million in general fund spending.

To a millionaire like Arny who is so rich he doesn't even bother to collect the paltry salary of a Governor. General spending is the umbrella term for those waste of time programs that help those not so well off people he spits on from his giant Hummer on his way to work, yes the people who voted for him the same ones the police keep away from any public appearances he makes.

People like Karen living below the poverty line are but a blip on Arnold's radar, he remembers seeing some about 20 years ago but now he can't see any through his cigar smoke, each cigar costs the same as a months rent for karen.

Rich smug fucker.

Karen was waiting for a renters credit of $348 that she had applied for back in July the fate of that has not been decided yet but doesn't look good. $348 is a lot of money for real people now she can not afford to splash out at Victoria's Secret and can no longer afford my services for her sex addiction problem.

Is it the economy? if so then how come millions of tax payer's money went to the primary elections to decide which candidate from each party will run for President? Why is the tax payer paying for that anyway?

Arnold is a Republican and Republicans never win the state of Callyfornya so why not squeeze some juice out of it?

A Capitalist cuntry that holds money far more precious than helping out good Americans in their twilight years and considering a program to prevent elder abuse was cut that says it all.

My Socialist cuntry of Great Britain isn't perfect either but it sets out to look after the people, you don't feel as if the government will just cut you out due to the budget and say "not our problem".

Old Knudsen isn't motivated by money but he likes to have some to pay the bills etc. The CEOs of large companies that go bankrupt always seem to come out ok. In China when a senior manager fucks up he can be executed I say start doing that.

In America the water has poison in it but the government says its ok and in China babies formula has poison in it and they kept it quiet because of the Olympics same regard for people wouldn't you say?

Old Knudsen supports the bringing back of slavery and he supports abortion only because there is no Utopian society to raise the unwanted babies in and speaking of murder he also supports the death penalty. Saying all of that I'm neither left or right though I am always right. McCain is a cert for President but I have decided to endorse Obama as my choice for the next preez because he is not McCain thats the only reason.

While I myself do not have a vote I urge those who do to vote Obama because this time its not a case of 'Better the Devil you know' take a chance and mix things up and keep that idiot Palin and that puppet McCain away from the Whitehoose. Yes I know you were tortured in Nam you haven't stopped whining about it for the last 30 years.

Obama now believes all of the hype about himself and has a JFK/MLK complex going on. No matter who wins it will be blog fodder.

I seek revenge for Karen and all those with no health cover and those on Welfare who get treated like scum by the Welfare case workers even though 10,000 state workers were cut in the budget too so the client may know the job better than the person processing them.

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