Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Shock Of The Week

No fucking way is Clay ghey. I believe this to be tabloid lies I mean he has a baby, how can you have a baby if you are ghey? Ok God did it to Mary but thats biblical and so doesn't count.

Just look at this perfect example of manliness. I have always wanted to see Ghey Aiken in a cage fight with Michael Jackson, we'd soon see who the real Prince of poop is.

Elton John was another shock I have still not got over I mean he got married to a gurl. Maybe she turned him ghey. You know weemen once they get that ring on yer finger its no more blow jobs and plenty of nagging.

Poor George Michael, I blame the drugs for making him ghey and also the compulsion to stick his lad into another man's shit hole. Go to church George (protestant of course) and learn that yer body is sinful and that sex is wrong unless its for having babies and then its merely something to be tolerated. Get it done and get out.

I went on tour in the 70's with penist Liberace. I was his security and now and again he'd like to toughen me up with a bit of bare chested wrestling but I saw no indication he was ghey. Everyone bunked together back then, it was for warmth and it was a different time.

I met Boy George in a tough, seedy Amsterdam bar called 'The pink tulip' when this rough and ready biker gang in assless chaps came in to cause trouble he backed me up in a bar brawl. We drank until morning celebrating getting the shite kicked out of us and then I said he could bunk doon at my gaff. I got home and must have passed out. In the morning my trousers were around me ankles and Boy was nowhere to be seen. He played a prank on me before he left though, he put a load of lip stick rings around my cock. Ach how I laughed. It must have been difficult to draw them all the way around.

Later he turned ghey, I blame the music business.

Me and Dick Branson pickle are just good friends I swear. Unless me rent is due of course.

At least we have real men like Harry Potter. I bet he has a different woman every night the lucky young cad. Enjoy it while it lasts before you know it you'll be a sad old fucker blogging about yer glory days, you know who I mean, yeah he is a right cunt.

Then there is George Walker Texas Rump Ranger Bush the democratically elected leader of America. Yep that sure was a great choice you Yanks made............... twice. George puts the 'orge' back into the name George as he sits there watching Married with children while some intern he doesn't even know the name of sucks on his love missile. He probably told her he'd make her VP if she swallows. He should get her to wear wee designer glasses so when he blows his Presidential load all over her face it won't get in her eyes.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has done a study and has decided that while Perchlorate in the drinking water is bad and may cause serious health problems there is no need to try to remove it.
Bush has sure done a number on them considering its his buddies that do the most polluting.

See? ghey men wouldn't be tough enough to drink water full of rocket fuel, well done EPA under the Bush admin yet another wise decision that goes to make this great cuntry what it is today.

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