Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bring Me The Head Of Anonymous Boxer

Of course what I choose to do with that head afterwards is my own business .

From the woman who owns this dog/rat hybrid.

And who also once dated this man................ Comes.

I can not think of anyone else that would do such an evil small dog related thing. Never again can we hold up Hitler to the standard of what true evil really is.

The only saving grace that I can think of is that Piper Perabo appears in it. If this tasty little bite sized hottie will star in this movie then I wonder what else she will do for money.

Expect the animal shelters to be over flowing with little brown Rat Dogs at Christmas. I think they should do what they were originally bred for and sacrificed instead of people, maybe to appease the dying American economy. Well thats what John McCain suggested on his blog. Oh thats right McCain thinks a computer is a person who takes the train to work everyday.

Extremely Fast boats for justice said: "Mr McCain received injuries during torture that prevent him from using a keyboard."

Bollocks I say Polio was a good excuse for that lazy fucker FDR not walking but really aren't the Nam vets a bunch of baby killing whiners? You never hear about WWII being that bad from the vets, in fact I'm here to tell you it was a fun filled romp for all the family.

"Wah wah we were drafted, wah wah they gave me a gun and paid me to shoot savages" what doesn't sound good about that?

Maybe its because they lost to sticks covered in dung that they complain so much a bit like the wars of terror now.

The answer is to draft millions more soldiers and throw them into battle and keep them coming thats how WWII was won. Why am I not running the world?

So anyway I'd still like some head.

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