Thursday, September 18, 2008

Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory

Always time to lube thats what my daddy used to say. Commenter says: "Oh Old Knudsen people only read you cos you put up dirty pictures!" away and fuck my Technocrati rating when from 107 to whatever low figure it is today. Do you think I give a fuck who reads me and for what reason?
Take what I give you and like it or lump it.

Its big and whitish.

Senator McCain use to be a tough talking Maverick not wanting to be President and now he is a toe the line go back of all the tough stances he took before puppet. I used to like him but now hes a bloated generic speaking geriatric.

Hmm I just love the Vanilla oh yeah baby. Who will be the president to cheat on his wife, McCain or Obama?

Recession Recession Recession Recession Recession Recession ! Depression Depression Depression Depression Depression! there I said it. Phil Gramm who recently called Americans 'whiny' and who has been a long time friend of McCain was instrumental in causing the recession when he got rid of depression era safe guard laws in the 90's getting rich himself while doing so.

Mongs lending money to mongs for houses who can't pay it back leaving the banks with homes they have to look after and no money, fucking stupid.
Wal-Mart is losing money cos everyone now shops at the 99 cent shop because the economy is so bad. The Mexicans are moving back to Mexico to get work.

I hope he wins cos McCain is just like the rest and it would be bloody funny thinking about all the white supremacists ranting on about their cuntrie's leader. If he gets in (fat chance) I'm taking bets for how long it takes for the lone gunman to find him and no I'll refuse the job as his head is a lot smaller than JFK's and I'm getting old, I'd probably just Perice one of his huge ear lugs. The guy has a head like the F.A. cup.

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