Friday, April 10, 2009

The Sun Has Got A Hard On, Hip Hip Hip Hooray

The Muslims and Fenians are too ascared of Old Knudsen to put out a fatwa on him so I have aimed my mocking and scorn at another bunch of folks who may not seem like a threat instead they look to be more of a target ......................... for mockery.

Look at the Orthodox Jews as they read my blog from the time of Jesus, not laugh or a smile. What about the time when Jesus tried to turn my pish in wine and got people to drink it, fuck that was funny. Me and him were the reason they ran out of drink.

The boy with the clapper is clearly not getting the wit, ach this is so distressing. What about that hat? yer supposed to take it out of the box before you put it onto yer head.

Lugh the sun god or 'shining one' was worshipped as the God of Fire, he also presided over metallurgy, crafting, weaving, toe nail clipping and served as protector of the weak. He was a fucking hunk of manhood. In fact was often associated with the Greek God Apollo.

Sun god, son of god ach I don't know. The sun in non gook like culture has always been male and the moon female.

There is only one other that deserves the mantle 'The shining one' :::::sighs::::::::

You can try all you like Jonathan Frakes of North and South and Star Trek the next Generation fame but you sir are no Donn Coppens I say good day sir! .................................. I SAID GOOD DAY!

If we end Zionism that ends funding and protection. The Jews will use their nukes and the ragheads will use theirs and once the middle east is a car park (parking lot) I guess there will be peace but we can't drill for oil for 1000 years, you selfish bastards furry faced cunts, never trust a beardy.

Not to alienate my one known Jewess that reads me. I'm sure that deep doon she knows she is in the wrong faith as does everyone else who isn't into Presbyterian Sanatoria which is a kind of voodoo, Protestant faith founded by the late Hugo MacRath in 1963 when he met with an angel from Hell while on an acid trip in Morocco.

So them der Orthodox Jews. I used to think that Orthodox was a back doctor, ever have one of them adjustments? I've love to have one, so far to date like hypnotism an attitude adjustment they just didn't work. Ok ok shut the fuck up I'm talking about Orthodox Jews here.

Old Knudsen does not believe in the existence of science nor the existence of normality or reality, c'mon just think about it and you'd find it was all just lies fed to you from the Mothership.

On Wednesday the sun which is a hot star had its birthday according to the OJ's There was a blessing said upon it that hasn't been done since 1981, that is the year when Bucks Fizz won the Eurovision song contest and Wings broke up. The Yorkshire ripper kills 13 weemen, the first Space schuttle was launched and Bobby Sands started his hunger strike in the Maze prison. The Pope and Ronald Reagan were both shot by amateurs which no doubt lead to Reagan forgetting how he funded rebels in Nicaragua . Israel bombs Iraq and Beirut even though its the Iranians who are the bad guys this year.

Princess Di got married ......................... she was lovely wasn't she?

The OJ's say the sun is in a perfect state, this is independently backed up by Astronomers , Astrologers and Ass-bandits.

According to belief the sun is now 5,769 years old, sounds a bit high to me but its more believable than that billions of years shite. They use the word million, then billions and trillions and who really deals in numbers like that except cunts?

Happy belated birthday sun and hope you have another 5,000 more.

As for Orthodox Jews, you lot are fucking nutters ............... and ghey.

I shall await some kind of retaliation.

I think we can all agree that Natalie Portman is one hot female of the Jewish faith and I just want to fill her with the true love of god.

Um I mean as she is here. I've never been with a circumcised woman before but I have fucked a blind double amputee, nothing to do with the post I just like to tell people.

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