Saturday, April 4, 2009

Donn Is Innocent

I'm 31% sure he didn't do all those things the Mexican and American governments said he did and even if he did do them are the laws in Mexico really applicable to Canadians ? In fact is there law in Mexico? Are witnesses and DNA really evidence?

Ok here is what we need, a kind hearted lawyer who will work for free and is fluent in Dora and Diego.

Donn is only guilty of one thing, having a smile that could melt the heart of a heartless person.

He did try to climb over the 4 foot high fence and into America with cocaine hidden in a penis extension. The border guards didn't fall for his almost American like ways. Saying oot and aboot did show the Doodlebops for what they are.

Dee Dee Doodle was the space fag hag to the inbreed alien poo pirates Moe and Rooney .......... Canadian aliens!

Donn was polite and boring which gave him away and so the immigration police have locked him up and he is awaiting deportation to the 3rd world cuntry of Canada, the poor bastard. All he wanted was a better life selling drugs to schools kids and thus boosting the economy. Two out of every $20 made went to his family up in Clothespeg . $2 would feed a family of 12 Clothespeggers of a week.

OBB's salutes you Donn and remember, no human being is illegal ................ except Canadians

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