Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Has Cum!

Easter is a time of birth and growth and if you believe in the circle of life crap then the earth is being reborn again.
Well not the whole earth but details are not important.

A time of transformation when the mighty Egatrons awake and vow to destroy all of humanity unless they get a lube job.

Its for children to eat chocolate and learn cute and vague stories about eggs and the Easter bunny who saved the life of Jesus by pulling a thorn from his forehead.

Chocolate being a laxative should be used responsibly.

Its about sex you fools ...................... sow yer seeds get it on, half the animal kingdom is which is why you see more roadkill at this time of year. Not thinking too clearly.

I have nothing for you here so fuck off to MJ's blog as she has something going on. If fact she has it all going on. Maybe Donn will be there :::::::::sighs:::::::::::

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