Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Quiet Word

If for some reason with all my blogs, Spacebook, Twatter and MyFace you still can't get enough of Old Knudsen remember to check in on his extremely funny captioned pictures on that Cheesburger site.

Its anonymous and cums in a disguised yellow-ish paper bag. Go now and and check out the witty/socially relevant and just plain not funny captioned pictures and remember to bookmark it because if Old Knudsen vanishes then you lot cease to exist .

Stay tuned this week on Old Bitter Balls as I shall be striving for full excommunication from the evil Roman Catholic church. If that means what I think it means then pain will follow. I am quite attached to my God given and reason for having foreskin but there is nothing I won't do to stir up shit for a blog post.

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