Thursday, April 23, 2009

Protection Isn't For The Weak

Ever just see someone and go yuck I wonder what kind of diseases they have? Here is a list of people that if you had to have sex with to save puppies or for free food or free puppies as food you'd want to wear a full body condom of some kind.

Ron Jeremy or any porn star in general.

The Troll. Yes this is really him.

British pop star Robbie Williams . His sweat will give you a STD.

Iggy Pop and Madonna. Look how scared Jason Timberland is, I bet he burned his clothes afterwards.

Britney Spears and Colin Farrell. Or walking herpes as they are called.

Creepy goat guys that show their packages to young gurls.

The Pope cos you know he wouldn't wear a condom.

Bear Grylls, I wonder what parasites live inside him.

George Clooney he sticks his dick into every woman alive dumps them and is still beloved.

Mel Gibson he sticks his dick into every woman alive and did you know sugar tits that the Jews start all the wars? Well what can you expect they started out as Arabs its that latin temper you know.

Courtney Love how is she still alive and what exactly does she do?

Donald Trump I just don't like the slimy con man fucker.

These two blokes/bears, you just don't know what lives in those hairs. Have the one on the right washed, shaved and sent to my tent!

I don't know who this silly looking lad is but I'm sure yer mother warned you about fellas with 'rape' on their belt buckles.

Zombies I know you can get it from their blood but what about sex? If a hot chick became a zombie would it be safe to keep her as a sex slave?

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