Saturday, June 13, 2009

More Tasty Than A Grilled Cheese Jesus

Christmas 2007 a man in Ballymoney Northern Ireland opens up his malt loaf to find the lifeless body of a mouse embedded into it.

Rather than saying, "Yay a Christmas miracle" he takes the baking company, D Hyndman and Son Ltd to court. He got £1,000 plus costs.

What the fuck is wrong with people these days? its dead the only harm it will do is get stuck in yer teeth. You can tell some people have money to burn.

Why during the siege of castle Monmat in 1267 Old Knudsen would have loved to have found some meat in his bread in fact he would have loved some bread, there is only so long that you can eat plague victims before going off them, am I right or am I right?

Yer sitting there chewing on a warty weeping limb for the 28th day in a row dreaming of mouse sarnies.

Fuck sake now I'm hungry.