Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Up Shit Street

1981 the maze prison in Northern Ireland. Bobby Sands the IRA hunger striker and all round skinny dying fucker died after 66 days of hunger strike. As you all know the strike was for the rights of Catholic terrorist prisoners to be allowed young children to have sex with and pictures of the Queen to use as toilet paper.

The bold and noble British government refused to give into the demands of criminals (until 1998 when they freed them all) but after the death of Sands anyone remotely anti-British came out from under their stones.

Iran showed its support for terrorism when it re-named the street next to the British embassy in the Iranian capital Tehran. They named it Bobby Sands street.

Ha ha ha go the Fenian supporters what a class rub to the Brits . NO! this is more serious than that.
The street had the name Winston Churchill Street before it was desecrated .

The embassy staff had to use a side door in order to not have Bobby Sands as an address for incoming mail.

Old Knudsen would not be surprised if there was also a Timothy McVeigh road except he served in the Gulf war and earned the bronze star , he was from an Irish/Catholic family but not feniany enough I suppose.