Sunday, June 14, 2009

MA Won!

Old Bitter Balls favourite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the presidential vote by a landslide. A small minority of cunts who supported the hippy opposition Mir Hossein Mousavi didn't like this democratic result and took to the streets of Tehran to riot.

To try to restore order the government jammed text messages, blocked pro-Mousavi Web sites and Facebook and cut off mobile phones. Hippies just love their gadgets. If it were up to me I'd block a ton of blogs, all mobile phones and blueberry thingys and shut doon MyFace to put the hurt on the pedos.

Mousavi, declared himself the true winner of Friday's presidential race and the Kentucky Derby horse race of 2003 (which we all know was won by Funny Cide) and urged backers to resist a government based on "lies and dictatorship."

What the fuck is a government supposed to be based upon? What a bad loser, well done Mahmoud don't let the fucker get you doon.

Fucking almost ragheaded Persian cunts!

Just look at those stones .................. Fucking amateurs! How can you riot when that is the sort of thing you are throwing? Do they not have half bricks? oh thats right its the 3rd world. Forget about feeding the dirty aids ridden Africans how about wasting yer money on buying half bricks for savages?

The next CIA meeting I go to I'll bring up this idea to topple regimes with.