Saturday, December 16, 2006

Attention Whore Or Revolutionary ?

These balls are sure to be bitter

I want to change Blogger, I want to cause a revolution. I want Old Knudsen to raise his finger high and say "come and have a go if you think yer hard enough" . I am not better than any of yous that read my shite, however I am better than those boring pretentious Blogs of note, yes I know I'll never get onto it due to being too sexy and swearing too much for fuck sake but I ask you my brothers and sisters go to this link and click once for Old Bitter Balls, I promise you that once I get noticed and they don't shut me doon I shall demand that we are treated like people that want a choice and not just shoved in their direction, go to Blogs of Note and cut and paste this is a choice for FREEEEEDDDDOOOMMMMMM, also a finger to the man.