Monday, December 4, 2006

Swing Em High.

A follow up to one of my earlier posts on the attack of the parliament buildings in Northern Ireland at Stormount . The Protestant militant Michael Stone seen here above while serving a prison sentence in the now closed Maze prison.
Stone joined a loyalist thug group called 'The Tartans' at the age of 13, much like gangs of poor neighbourhoods there is pressure for young people to join and no is usually not an option, he was arrested for weapon possession aged 16 so a good start in life.

Stone later served more than a decade for the murder of 3 catholics at an IRA funneral when he was released as part of the Good friday Peace agreement he took up painting , wrote a book and earned good money, what happened? not enough attention?

He now faces 5 counts of attempted murder and possession of weapons for terrorist purposes. He offered no plea and will be held without bail until December 22nd. He could go back to his previous jail sentence of 638 years.
The one thing I want to point out is the name of his Magistrate, Bernadette Kelly, you couldn't get a much more catholic name than that, how fucking cool is this? that's like a nazi getting a Jewish judge.
Oh I'm sure Judge Kelly will be totally impartial when handing out his massive sentence, its not like he didn't walk about with a bomb ready to die for Allah now is it ? oops sorry wrong terrorist, that's all I have to say, I will bask in the irony and hope he rots in prison this time.

"I've had songs and poems written about me, and I've met plenty of kids who think I'm some kind of hero. I'm like Rambo to them. But I always say that there's nothing romantic about taking a life. People bleed, and there's no Hollywood director to say 'cut.' You get to hear their dying words, see the final seconds of their life. I was trained to block out the human aspect"

Said by Michael Stone in an interview the last time he made the news, does this dopey fucker never learn? do any of them? rhetorical questions , hate blinds, these people are valid reasons to bring back hanging.