Monday, December 18, 2006

Happy Birthday Brad, Heres Old Knudsen's Homo Erotic Post Fer Ya.

Will it be like Charlton Heston ? you can tell what year the film was made if he took his shirt off on not in it.

Brad Pitt, born 18th December 1963, Shawnee, Oklahoma, USA. Raised in Springfield, Missouri.
Parents: Jane (family counsellor), Bill (trucking company owner), Siblings: Doug (brother) and Julie (sister).
Do ya feel like you know the guy now? na me neither.
His Gurlfriend right now is Angelina Jolie, Hubba Hubba they have a child together Shiloh and two 3rd world adopted ready made servants for her Maddox and Zahara.
Brad's nickname at school was Pittler and he started smoking aged 11, only poor people and movie stars smoke these days.

To prove Brad's love of the environment he has a white Toyota hybrid, this he parks beside his black Mercedes G500 SUV and black Jeep Cherokee, yep a fucking hybrid owning hypocrite.

He has a fear of Spiders and Sharks, ok I've seen Jaws, pretty scary, but Spiders? what, are you a woman ? (no offense to any weemen reading this, you complete me) is this the same guy that stood up to torture in Spy games and making out with Catherine Zeta yucky in Oceans 12 ?

Brad started acting for real in 1987 but we only really know him from Thelma an Louise, he had blah roles in Cool World and Kalifornia during which he shagged and broke up with Juliette Lewis then he went on to make Interview with the Vampire and Legends of the Fall.
He can do those pretty boy roles real good, he messes himself up to look tough and rough but still hes way too pretty, we'll even forgive him for dodgy hair.

Go on Brad, kill David Duchovny for all those bad career choices hes made.

He made the cool Seven where he met and shagged Gwyneth Paltrow, and during that movie his acting device is vigorously rubbing his wet hair.
In 95 he made The 12 Monkeys which was a brilliant performance then he made The Devil's own playing an IRA man with a bad Northern Irish accent.
He also played a bit part as a stoner in True Rromance .
If you haven't seen Fight Club then you're just so uncool, it contains the fantastic line,"do you want to finish her off?" followed by the snap of a rubber glove.
In Snatch he played a dirty Traveller, Gypsy, Gypo, Knacker or Pikey whatever you want to call them, what a great film on so many levels, that was before Madonna had sucked all of the talent out of Director Guy Richie.

I wan a caravan in Periwinkle fer me ma, do ya like Dags?

In Oceans 11 he went all Robert Redford and used food as an acting prop in a lot of scenes, yet another brilliant movie its a pity about the sequel, that was a money making exercise.
In troy he looked so ghey in his skirt and sticking his thing into everyone, yes I own that film.
Then in Mr and Mrs Smith he met his dream woman and got rid of his boring as fuck whats the big deal wife.

For Xmichra, a typical American couple, can't wait for their sex tape , the debate as to who has the best blowjob lips continues.

You just know that Angelina Jolie is an animal in the sack, she may be a little crazy but who isn't ? she goes all around the world doing good for people like Boner and Clooney. I wonder if celebs do that because they notice the poverty in the 3rd world more because they are so out of touch with real living or they can do more there as their own country is full of bureaucrats?

Bad hair and a fake beard, still prettier than most gurls I know.

Angelina is estranged from her dad Jon Voight you may know him from films such as Midnight Cowboy, Deliverance and Mission Impossible, any other films are shite, of course he is nothing to me. I remember Dustin Hoffman, Burt Reynolds and Tom Cruise from those films . Jon put a shout out to Angelina's child on TV once, except he called her Sahara , doh! I don't know or care what the problem there is, I don't like Jon Voight.

This post was getting a little too ghey even for me.

Brad may have a lack of sensitivity according to his ex wife, but hes a good actor and even for a man hitting his mid 40's hes still very nice to look at if you are into that sort of thing. I salute you Mr Pitt whose name is slang for having a shit, that kind of fame is priceless.