Sunday, September 3, 2006

Dust in the Wind or Shit in the Sea?.

A giant lobster was caught up in the North-east of Scotland, it was 2 foot long and wieghed 10lb, the experts think it could be anywhere between 20 and 50 years old.
Members of a local diving team, have known of the Lobster for years and even named it Crusty, as in a dirty student or my cock.
Now there are places where you can release lobsters and its illegal to fish for them there, like sanctuaries, but don't worry folks, this story has a happy ending, the fisherman sold it to a hotel and they cooked it, they said it was tasty and they got four helpings, now Old Knudsen is a bit of an environmentalist and I believe in protecting animals so I was happy to hear they are keeping the claws and shell for display, I'm thinking of making this into a children's book, oh look Crusty a Jacuzzi, "help me, I'm melting", now meet your friend, stick of butter, don't worry, you'll end up back in the sea eventually , wheres Nemo?, fuck Nemo, he can't help you now.