Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Heavy Period.

I met Kieran from 'The Full Stop' a few of weeks ago when he commented on my then obscure and not yet discovered by more than 4 people Blog, his first messages had to be deleted as children might be reading this and the things he wanted to do to Sooty were just wrong, since then hes cleaned himself up and has all but kicked his crayon habit, he had a little relapse the other day but hes over it, always the ' Spring Green ' don't worry lad, one day at a time.

Another addiction I've noticed about Kieran is his prolific commenting, I was looking at Blogs from Mongolia and on the 33 blogs, all written in Khalkha Mongol, Turkic and Russian, Kieran had commented on them all and had even set one up about the virtures of Yak Husbandry, (I hope that means what I think it means) a newly discovered Polynesian tribe knew Kieran as their God, they had carved the tribe's history onto a giant rock and at the bottom was Kieran's comments.

The CIA sent a secret memo to Dick Cheney to give his approval on 10 assassinations of top politic figures and at the bottom was Kieran's comments.

I was halfway through writing a post the other night and Kieran had already commented on it.

Kieran is a good lad, well except for all those things he did in the past, but now hes mostly good, he tickles me no end (not tickles my end) with his witty and often surreal comments, hes like the son I forgot to beat, I believe I got my Boy Toy through Kieran's blog, a match made in heaven.

When asked what a template was Kieran replied, "An unpunctual short term employee".

The picture above shows Kieran wasted, slumped against his own crayon handywork, if you ever see him like this don't put 20p into his outstretched hand, don't be an enabler.

If you haven't checked out 'The Full Stop' yet then go fuck off and do so, wasting my time by reading this shite indeed, remember hes a musican so expect drugs and vomit but tell me if you see any crayons, his sphincter muscles no longer work thanks to an O.D. of Cornflower Blue, for God's sake don't mention it.