Saturday, September 16, 2006

Those Pickles were asking for it.

I love Vinegar, I drink it, I drown food in it, I worship it, the smell arouses me in ways small puppy dogs don't, put some vegetables in it and you have Pickles, I love Pickles, Hayward's mixed Pickles ARE better than sex, my favourite are the cauliflower ones, but its close between the gherkins and onions, just a little chilled and they are perfect, also a nice jar of pickled Cockles or Mussels.
I also love Piccalilli, in a ham sandwich, yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy, Big Pickled Onions and Pickled red cabbage, did I say yummy yummy yummy yummy ? I liked my Mother but I love Pickles.

However Uma Thurman is a freaky looking mingbag.