I like to look around the places where my father came from so I was glad to find that BBC Scotland have a program of Bloggers who live on the islands around the Scottish shores. You can click on the various isles to see what people in the arse end of Scotland are doing and thing and from what I read not much.
Maybe I expect people to see the brighter side and always look for ways to take piss out of situations to brighten up an otherwise dull existence, oh not my existence I'm talking about all of yous.
One had a rat infestation, the ways I could of made that funny, and without profanity I mean it was the BBC.
Then there was someone who was listening to a program on BBC 4 radio about seed stores in Norway, fascinating I'm sure.
Some woman got a new pair of wellies, white ones with red flowers on them (I take her to be past middle age by the taste) which led to a follow up post about how one of them leaked, she must of jumped into the air with joy, "yay! a blog post, I'll call it 'TRAGEDY' I'll save the funny shaped stone one for later".
I know fuck all happens on these places and maybe the BBC have told them to be as boring as possible and show no real emotion or feelings, yeah post cat pictures and tell us how much their vet bills cost because that's brilliant .
They have the Internet so they're connected to the world, I want Hamish McBeth on the Isle of Shite to tell me what the solution to Iraq and pro life or pro choice for weemen because that would be bloody hilarious .
Maybe I expect people to see the brighter side and always look for ways to take piss out of situations to brighten up an otherwise dull existence, oh not my existence I'm talking about all of yous.
One had a rat infestation, the ways I could of made that funny, and without profanity I mean it was the BBC.
Then there was someone who was listening to a program on BBC 4 radio about seed stores in Norway, fascinating I'm sure.
Some woman got a new pair of wellies, white ones with red flowers on them (I take her to be past middle age by the taste) which led to a follow up post about how one of them leaked, she must of jumped into the air with joy, "yay! a blog post, I'll call it 'TRAGEDY' I'll save the funny shaped stone one for later".
I know fuck all happens on these places and maybe the BBC have told them to be as boring as possible and show no real emotion or feelings, yeah post cat pictures and tell us how much their vet bills cost because that's brilliant .
They have the Internet so they're connected to the world, I want Hamish McBeth on the Isle of Shite to tell me what the solution to Iraq and pro life or pro choice for weemen because that would be bloody hilarious .