I have long stated that Britain is becoming more like America each day. No you arrogant yanks that's not a compliment. As well as being populated by a low class of poorly educated aggressive morons with a sense of self entitlement we're all going to be big fat fuckers that sues everyone and hates immigrants.
Here is Connor McCreaddie an 8-year-old boy who weighs 218 pounds, the authorities are investigating whether or not his parents are guilty of child abuse. As well as missing doctor appointments they allow him to eat every 20 minutes, the mother sort of shrugs and says if he doesn't get enough food he goes and steals it from the cupboard. I think the parents are guilty of being stupid.
The doctors are looking for some medical reason why Connor would be a big fat fucker, if they wanted my medical opinion I'd say because he is allowed to eat too much but what do I know?
It reminds me of the Yanks with their foo foo dogs that are brought to dog nutritionists to help them lose weight, stop fucking feeding them and they'll lose weight how about that for an idea?
Its this kind of bad parenting that turns countries stupid, Mrs McCreaddie, don't buy so much shitty food and put a lock on yer fridge door, I suspect little Connor will whine like a bitch but he'll shed the pounds.
Maybe he is better off in protective custody, would you want to be around him when hes hungry?
If things don't improve he'll die by the age of 30.
Here is Connor McCreaddie an 8-year-old boy who weighs 218 pounds, the authorities are investigating whether or not his parents are guilty of child abuse. As well as missing doctor appointments they allow him to eat every 20 minutes, the mother sort of shrugs and says if he doesn't get enough food he goes and steals it from the cupboard. I think the parents are guilty of being stupid.
The doctors are looking for some medical reason why Connor would be a big fat fucker, if they wanted my medical opinion I'd say because he is allowed to eat too much but what do I know?
It reminds me of the Yanks with their foo foo dogs that are brought to dog nutritionists to help them lose weight, stop fucking feeding them and they'll lose weight how about that for an idea?
Its this kind of bad parenting that turns countries stupid, Mrs McCreaddie, don't buy so much shitty food and put a lock on yer fridge door, I suspect little Connor will whine like a bitch but he'll shed the pounds.
Maybe he is better off in protective custody, would you want to be around him when hes hungry?
If things don't improve he'll die by the age of 30.
A fat fucker, the way to do it is get fat when you're older so you only have yer self to blame so you can wallow in yer own gravy, "nobody loves me because I'm fat, the only thing that makes me feel better is donuts".................... future winner of the Darwin award I'm sure.
We here at old Bitter Balls fully realise that around 85% of our readers are American, if we have offended any members of that fine nation then we .............. A. have done our job well B. have no real opinion C. will slag you off till the cows cum home and still expect you to defend us from the nazis.