Thursday, February 8, 2007

Its My Body And I'll Die If I Want Too.

If you aren't ready to get fat then you shouldn't be eating fast food its as simple as that.

Nothing upsets me more than my freedom to choose for myself being denied, you can't have yer lad hanging out while walking in the park, you can't shoplift without someone calling the peelers, you can't drive while intoxicated and you can't sell or do drugs. We don't own our own bodies because we aren't allowed to even sell them, fucking nazis .
You may have guessed by the picture of this post what I'm on about, yes fast food. For years now these havens for heart attacks have been cutting flavour to try to get it's customers to eat more healthy and you know who I blame? fat fuckers, they get fat and then take a fast food chain to court, oh yeah they spoil it for the rest of us.
You don't go to KFC for health food you don't go to McDonald's for a salad well unless you're a moron, you go for fatty tasty food that's fast and cheap and also because you don't have the time or are too lazy to cook for yerself.

McDonald's is a good target because they are everywhere and big and at one time market share leaders. They cooked their fries in oil with beef extract until those hippy vegetarians complained which is a shame as they were pretty nice, now they are changing their oil again. The fat brigade have shot themselves in the foot because now the taste is going bye bye because everyone is worried about Trans fats.
Do ya think I give a fuck about Trans fats? no I want my meal to taste nice, if I was into no taste in my food and being hungry all the time then I'd eat health food. I want full fat in my foods, I want the right to choose.