Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Break Up

I don't want to talk about it.

There is the talk between couples ............. 'that talk'. One side isn't very happy with their life and is trying not to blame it on the fact that the other person isn't living up to the expectations they had of them but doesn't want to say it as to not hurt them.

One side wants to end it, the other comes up with plans to go out to dinner or catch a movie then you'll feel better. Heres the make or break decision, you can give in and hate yerself carrying on like nothing ever happened or you can stick to yer guns and completely alter two lives.

In the past you have walked side by side no longer holding hands in yer committed relationship. You notice others and sneakily check them out but you feel a pang of guilt and stop yerself so you just deny all is well and act like yer wearing invisible blinkers.

Some just get easily bored, make the wrong choices or grow bored once the initial gooey love part has finished , can you settle for this one person? what if they never grow as a person what if they grow into an ogre ? freedom versus companionship its a gamble.

You have to be cruel once you decide to leave, no crying, begging, promises or puppy dog eyes, its going to hurt if you are to have a better life. Having yer ex partner who has stood by you and is actually a nice person hate you is horrible. You use excuses like "Its me its not you," or "I love you but I'm not 'in' love with you" they seem like cliches but they are true and to the point.
You've out grown them and moving on is best for the two of you, it may not be appreciated by the other side and their heart may grow bitter. A lot of people spew venom during this time, especially if married or with children in the mix, its so easy to get married,its so easy to get tattoos, its so easy to make children but if you want to change yer life and what you've done it isn't so easy.
Friends and family take sides and judge you, all are suspects of being double agents for the other side, revulsion and uncertainty replaces love and comfort.
How did I spend so much time with 'that' person and waste all those years?

You were crap in bed and never appreciated me, you never wanted me until you couldn't have me. I hated yer smell, the way you hunched over yer dinner the loud farting at inappropriate times the boogers on the wall beside the bed and the hairs left in the sink beside the nails clippings, they don't just disappear you know, in fact I hated everything about you.
I'll just go out and find someone else, another you but not you.

Tis just a post drawing from experience and using a common theme to connect with my fellow humans. Still thank you to all you early bird men and weemen with yer e-mails and pictures, my wank bank is over flowing.