Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dead Man Walking

Yer just walking doon the road with yer gurlfriend and three young weemen are showing their firm young breasts for the camera, most men have been in this situation so here is what they may have thought or done, remember, all men are bastards which makes weemen bastard fuckers but we won't get into that.

1) Oh look they must be Albanian tourists, they sure have some strange customs, ah well, hey Queer eye is on tonight, yay!

2) Fuck , look at the knockers on that! :::::::::stares, drools and adjusts his package and remains silent for the next 10 minutes, he may stop to look :::::::::

3) Fuck, look at the knockers on that! I'll pretend I'm not looking so I don't get into trouble with me gurl, why can't she be into gurls too?

4) Fuck, look at the knockers on that! ::::turns to his gurl and tells her which one is the best and what he'd do with that::::::::

5) Pretends to be civilised and hardly notices as his gurlfriend is the only woman he needs, yes she will be getting ridden like a donkey tonight and he will be thinking about the gurls .

6) Brings his gurlfriend over and starts to chat them up.

7) Before he goes over he turns to his gurlfriend and says, "pretend yer my sister and I'll give you a foot rub tonight."

8) Strips naked and asks the gurls, "do you mind if I join in?"

9) Calls a policeman and blogs about the whole incident.

10) Says he needs to pee and then hides in the brushes and rubs one off . (doesn't take long)

Thank you suffragettes, you may not have had the looks and breasts to be able to do this yerselves and you may have been a little bit fanatical with the whole throwing yerselves in front of moving vehicles etc but if it wasn't for you and yer chaining to rails , bra burning ways we may not have had "Gurls gone wild" I thank you all. (about 5 times a day)