Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Future Is Now

In the future there will be no white Jewish Canadians with big phasers.

Evolutionary theorist (who gets on like a blogger) Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics expects humans to divide into a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass by the year 3000. Did this not start in the 80's with Yuppies and now chavs? shit I bet I'm a part of the dim-witted underclass.
This bird looks upperclass to me.

People will become choosier about their sexual partners, causing humanity to divide into sub-species. I thought weemen were already picky, well the ones that I try to get off with anyway, maybe I should change my chat-up line, "you remind me of my daughter."

No over eating in the future.
The upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative a bit like me except for the tall, slim, healthy part. I wonder if the Upperclasse's farts smell in the future.
The movies have been portraying leading men and weemen this way for years its like 5% of the population, Hitler would cum in his nazi shorts if he was alive.

Prussian blue here are quite welcome to die in a fire, no offense gurls I just hate haters.

The underclass humans (or spammers) will have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures. You mean like normal people?

What the fuck is wrong with this ladies? you know you want it.

Humans will be 7 feet tall and live to 120 years, what Curry doesn't tell you is that for the last 30 years they are frail and have dementia and shit into bags, what a great way to live .

I feel like I've forgotten something.

Men will be more attractive, look athletic, and have squarer jaws, deeper voices and bigger penises.

Its like he just looked at my avatar and described me.

I take it that they'll look like this without working out for hours. Curry and his over educated silly English ideas, this is bullshit and let me guess, Curry is white.

The man of the future, no Brad Pitt , no Daniel Craig just tall dark and slimy.
Women, on the other hand, will develop lighter, smooth, hairless skin, large clear eyes, pert breasts, glossy hair, and even features. This part sounds good, ah life is great in the upperclasses.

Of course those pert breasts aren't real but I'd still do a *lying week* on them.

White people are dying out as white is a recessive gene and the wogs breed like flies. The world will have only one coffee-coloured race of people. Fuck diversity, its not natures way apparently, the Japs and their evil ant mentality have had it right all along.
The Africans will die out too after we wise up and stop feeding the greedy fuckers but I reckon there will be different shades of skin, not just coffee, Curry didn't mention the Chinks, billions of the wee slitty eyed shites I think the future human will look a bit slitty and yellow also. I think the world well be so vastly overpopulated as no one listened to me to execute criminals and tards etc that the only 7 ft tall humans will be basket ball players as the rest of the world struggles for nutrition. Growing corn for fuel will starve the world you fools.

I think the only way we will become stepford people as Curry says is with constant plastic surgery.

Social skills, such as communicating and interacting with others, could be lost, let me guess, texting and a world of LOL! kill me now. When a 30 something says LOL!;) an angel loses its wings.

There won't be any emotions such as love, sympathy, trust and respect. Just like now then?

People will become less able to care for others. I shall look after the hot weemen, they don't need to return my love just lie there, I like it when they lie still.

Physically, they would start to appear more juvenile, which I don't believe as I've seen 12 year old boys who look 18 , Ten year-old gurls get their periods now by 3000 people will be born as adults........ouch! so glad to be male.
Chins will recede which has been happening in the south of England for centuries but will now be because people have to chew less on real food but going on what hes already said they will be small square chins.

I think evolution is a load of bollocks as its not in the Bible and especially if you believe Curry, obviously its radiation from the sun that will give us huge willys and the power to be beautiful people, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder who decides who is in the upper and lower classes? will there be tests? what if yer tall but ugly and stupid (Adrian Brody, Liam Neeson) or small and perfect (Salma Hayek, Dakota Fanning) what if yer a little bit of each?

All this talk of classes is oh so very British , one thing you can say about America is you won't find any class there, it makes no difference to them if you used to be a Hillbilly pig farmer, as long as yer rich you'll be accepted.

Dr Oliver Curry, he currently teaches Political Theory at New York University in London.

What is he 14 or something? doctors are getting younger everyday, why doesn't he get a real job? hes been courting the media rightly giving his over educated guesswork that can never be proven wrong unless I blog about it in the year 3000 opinion, it looks like this boy could be the next Richard Dawkins though I don't know why you'd want two of those boring cunts.

Oliver Curry who was hired by the bravo network must have been told, " Pseudo science gets ratings, don't over think it. Just read H.G.Wells, no here watch the movie Time machine, no one reads these days."

Get out in the world and you'll see how regressive the white gene is, Europe is desperate to get rid of anything brown and the birthrate is slowing amongst the whites, even in Russia they give away prizes so you have more Russian babies, in America theres widespread immigrant fear and hate and thats from a nation of immigrants. There won't be two forms of human, we are still too diverse for that, Curry sees things in black and white, speaking of white I'm sure the last of the Caucasians will be put into a nice reservation to live out their days until science can make them. Its doesn't matter what colour we'll end up even if we are all the same or just two different forms we will still find a reason to kill each other.

I have one thing more to say to these experts of the future, its 2007 where the fuck is my flying car and robot hoosemaid?

*A lying week* is an expression hardly used these days. When you start a new job you don't get paid the first week, thats called 'A lying week' you get that weeks wages if you leave that job and have to do a lying week for yer next job.