Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What Would My Click Next Bloggers Do?

You have no idea what its like to be me, the outlandish claims people make about me and the constant harassment I receive , then theres the death threats and the crank phone calls which I do promise to stop soon.

I finally found my book of Green Shield stamps, not like any of yous know what they are , I dropped one of me pain killers doon the side of the sofa and those are good wee tablets so I went doon after it, my hand was bitten twice I found the hamster I owned in the 80's and I found my book of 500 Green Shield stamps, I had dreamed about the goods I could redeem my book for and then it went missing. I sat there looking at the useless book wondering if I could get anything for them then I got a phone call from the Burmese foreign minister asking if I was still boycotting Burma.
I was cagey and didn't give a straight answer, like a politician I was, I said, " the question is not am I boycotting Burma but what are the full implications to world trade and boys in cots?" people have always told me I should have been a politician or a Lawyer but I'd say I couldn't as my parents were married.

Even though I have incited monks to riot and put a hex on General Than Shwe would I be interested in a job? well my Protestant work ethic doesn't give me the luxury of turning doon jobs so I maybe starting right away as head monk interrogator, not sure what my work duties would be but I get to meet lots of interesting people and the pay is good.

I asked a fellow blogger a question which I thought was a no brainer but their answer surprised me so I'm asking anyone else the same thing, don't weasel around the scenario just answer it if you are inclined to do so. I am interested in hearing yer answer.

There is a Hitler figure and you have full knowledge that they are about to commit genocide on a scale bigger than the holocaust, 12 million people are going to die, they may very well include those you care for.
You are the only one that can stop it, you have to kill the future Hitler.

You won't be punished for killing him.

Will you pick up the handgun and put two in the chest and one in the head of this Hitler or will you let 12 million people die?