Sunday, October 28, 2007

Toronto Home Of The Left Handed Pedo

A pedo convention in America of course.

I read about this at Cyberscroll and then investigated more. A study done at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health has come to the conclusion that pedophiles were about an inch shorter than the average Canadian man, who stands at 5 feet 10 inches tall, three times more likely to be left-handed and have received one or more significant blows to their heads in their lifetime .
1,200 men, were studied for this report between 1995 and 2006, pedophilia is a uniquely male condition, those female teachers that are attracted to young teenagers are known as hebephiles .

Before you go round to "shorty's" hoose with yer rope or lynch "leftie titch" none of this means that small left handed blokes with headaches are automatically kiddie diddlers but do keep an eye on them .
Bare it in mind that over the past five thousand years the average height of men in Britain has remained stable at about (5ft 7in), and women at (5ft 3in) we are just starting to reach the Canucks and Yank's heights probably due to bad British food being replaced by hormone enriched fast food .

Left handed people are considered more intelligent than average right hander in academia but lack social skills, the left hand has always been considered somewhat demonic with the old saying that a left handed person owed the Devil a days work, children who were lefties were forced at school to use their right. Sometimes I wank with my left hand and talk dirty with a French accent to make it feel like someone else is doing it but thats just me.

Harry S. Truman, Gerald Ford ,Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush ,Bill Clinton, Joan of Arc ,Alexander the Great, Napoléon Bonaparte, Queen Victoria, Buzz Aldrin ,Jay Leno, Uri Geller,
Matt Groening, Bart Simpson ,Jack-the-Ripper, Boston Strangler, Mark Twain, Kurt Cobain, Phil Collins, Jimi Hendrix, Paul McCartney, Michelangelo, Robert DeNiro, Steve McQueen Robert Redford, Oprah Winfrey and John McEnroe are all cunts, oh and left handed.

So as usual its another study which is a load of bollocks used to get funding, waste funding or to make someones name famous.
You study 1,200 that you know of, what about the 10,000 tall right handers too clever to get caught you don't know about ?

A confession to make, Old Knudsen is shorter than 5 foot 10 inches, he has received numerous blows to the head and he is not left handed, I do have a bad right shoulder and try to do more with my left hand so maybe I'll turn into one some day.

On one of the sites I read, there was this comment:

whew. 6'4-6'5, right handed.