Friday, October 19, 2007

Golf Is So Ghey

We stood side by side in defiance under the Saltire against tyranny until it was time for tea.

Billionaire Donald Trump has earned the nick-name Donald Cunt around Aberdeenshire. I read about this from Manuel as who the fuck would read the Times except for a pretentious jumped up control freak waiter? So anyway Michael Forbes, a salmon fisherman who has lived on his 23 acres for 40 years was asked to sell his land by Donald Trump so he could put in a billion dollar golf course. When Mr Forbes didn't sell they went nuts and threatened him with a life of misery, what were they going to do? spam his blog? oh dear scary scary.
Trump and his people are doing the usual thing by making Forbes out to be a cunt who has been abusive and his land is messy and full of junk , this rather attractive man who may or may not be one of my many children was living in quiet simple peace when these bullies came round to spam er to force him to sell his property.
I care not for Trump hes an arsehole, I mean just look at that hair and his lack of class, if I see him in the street I may very well give him a dig in the head.
I quickly jumped into my private jet and joined Forbes for a photo op of support, Trump doesn't stand a chance, off to the wanker's gallery for you Donald Cunt, yer fired!