Saturday, October 11, 2008

All That Is Left Is A Stain And His Bling

I clicked on Never mind my ball licking so-called blog and its gone. No I don't want thanks I'd target any bastard that would give children a bad example if they happened to read it. No more pictures of willys with trimmed wiry pubes and no more of that ethnic neck wiggling Catholic thing.
Fenians have given Scotland a bad name ever since they supported that Italian cunt Bonnie Prince Charlie and his French allies, sure the Sassenachs doon south are bad but Eyeties and Froggies are worse.

If any of you want to to dispatch of any other wankers just let me know remember I was the one that demanded Rumsfeld resign and he did, its all in me archives. Whats that you say? you want rid of that dopey cunt The Troll well I can't blame you I may lower myself to the job but picking on the mentally retarded may be fun but its not big nor is it clever.

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