Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Reasons To Stay In Bed And Wank

The tourist industry is red hot in Pakistan right now.

Pervez Musharraf the totally trustworthy leader of Pakistan needs yer money. He puts Bob Geldoff to shame with his begging.
The US have been supporting and funding him to seek out and kill Al Qeada who have a stronghold in Pakistan but Musharraf isn't too good with keeping receipts so the money just fades away."How can we hunt doon Al Qeada when we only have one working helicopter"? he says.

"George I need some more money" " What happened to the 10 billion we gave you?" "well it just doesn't go as far as you think."

The US have given him over 10 billion dollars so far and strangely enough the only ones in the cuntry right now that aren't feeling the world wide recession is Al Qaeda who don't keep their money in banks, a lesson there for us all.
If you have a terrorist organisation and receive money from a sympathetic government who is conning a super power don't be tempted to put yer money into a 5 year tax exempt bank account to build interest, instead invest yer money in opium and AK-47's as they never go out of style or lose value.

Benazir Bhutto was feared by the west because she was a woman and not so military minded as Musharraf but at least she wouldn't be making the west look like dickheads by double dipping a true waste of potential and Musharraf got away with murder.

Miss Pakistan calls Musharraf a hunk I wonder what she would call me.

China who makes corners for the Pakkies to build their corner shops on have even turned them doon fo money, things are tight all over and Pakistan is one broken doon shit heap just don't forget they also have nukes.
In the wrong hands India might be bombed and then the west would be in turmoil, people will not be able to get through to call centres and millions of out sourced jobs would be lost ............... on second thoughts c'mon you lazy Al Qaeda cunts do I have to do all the thinking for yas?

A cold war dinosaur? and what about Putin?

Russia is also facing recession which is bad as they had just launched an offensive upon Georgia which is somewhere on the other side of the Rockies from me so I don't give a fuck. Putin is going on the cover of Playgurl to raise some money.

I have superior general knowledge to most Americans but this whole deep south thing confuses me. Alabama and Mississippi are in the deep south of America but Brazil is in south America and America is full of nuts and Brazil is where the nuts cum from so why is it only the black gurls in America that have those nice Brazilian arses?

All the Nazis went to south America after the war so why is the Pacific Northwest full of white supremacists ? are they going to try some kind of pincer attack? if so I'm ready.

The Modesty police forced me to write doon names of bloggers who dress like hoors, don't worry MJ you dress like a stripper.

Speaking of Nazis the Jews in Israel which is one fucked up holy land have been going round beating and stoning weemen for the way they dress. How modest do you have to be to join the Jewish Modesty police, "hey that was some brick you landed on her head" " it was nothing you threw a few good rocks yerself."

Religious fanatics of any kind should be tortured until they repent to the one true God of love and Presbyterianism and then burned at the stake as they were probably lying.

Governor Palin has been caught out again abusing her power, she has been putting her daughter's travelling expenses onto the state's bill. Two weeks to go and seriously who wants a liar who can't even avoid getting caught in the Whitehoose? have you not had enough of them?

Obama might pull out because his granny is dying, suck it up lad what are you 9? my granny died at the dinner table during Christmas dinner and we kept eating as its what she would have wanted, she was always the attention hoor anyway.

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