Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Have A Dream

Of a cashless society and today I feel we are one step closer.

Yes that was my post, cashless society of course meaning everything will be done electronically moving yer money in cyberspace through banks and shops and you'll never have to count change ever again. The worldwide recession making us cashless in another way of course .

I went through my links as it seems many have deleted their blogs or my link so I thought it was time to clear hoose. I knew Manuel would droop eventually with his 40 blogs, blog fer yerself lad.
I'll give those who have been mates in the past another year to post as loyalty is a trait I value for I am a terrier.
If you feel yer link was deleted improperly please tell me (in yer own words of course) why I should reinstate it. No cunts need apply.

I thought of a joke today, hey I didn't say it was funny I was just mulling my issues about in me head.

What do you call a sociopath with a blog?

An I.T. Specialist

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha and ha! and that is why you pay to read my blogs my friends.

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