Monday, October 13, 2008

Give Thanks For Knudsen

I just looked up Canadian Thanksgiving as I was wondering what those cunts had to be thankful for, Celine Dion? it was some bloke who was looking for the Northwest passage who stopped to give thanks.
I give thanks to Gobal warming because now we have a Northwest passage. It was also the Americans who weren't traitors to the Crown going up to live in Canada after the Revolutionary war and they took their customs with them.

The Thanksgiving in Canada is more based on the European one than a pretend sit doon with Indians before taking their land one and of course the origin of Thanksgiving goes back to Pagan times so I condemn all those who celebrate this feast, shame of you all and I hope Satan doesn't burn yer turkey when you get doon there.

The ironic thing is that while Canada is having their Thanksgiving feast the Americans are celebrating Columbus day when some Eyetie got lost and found America wiping out thousands with diease and destroying cities with war.

Another ironic thing is that he didn't discover shit, the Chinese and my fellow Viking were here centuries before him. In yer face Columbus.

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