Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dirty Sanchez Strikes Again

Palin wins this weeks 'Dirty Sanchez' award for being a stupid bint.

You may have heard about Troopergate. Sarah Palin the Vice presidential candidate who thinks that Alaska being beside Russian counts as foreign policy used her position as Governor of Alaska to put pressure on Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan to fire a State Trooper who was in the process of divorcing her sister. When Monegan refused it was he that was fired.

I'm not even going to get into how Palin gives thousands of dollars back to Alaskan residents in tax breaks but still her state is one of the biggest beggars to federal funding to relieve poverty which her state is full of. Looks a little like bribery to stay in office at the expense of the cuntry to me . Then there was her hidden pregnancy in which when she started to go into labour early she flew back from the convention she was at to give birth. I suppose if you know yer baby is a mong a safe birth isn't a priority. Her husband Todd's initals are TP (toilet paper) handy for that shit on her upper lip.

Anyway this post isn't about Palin because she is a total mong and so is anyone who votes for her. I get a little confused with America sometimes, that is understandable as I am from a real country. Anyone who reads me knows how intelligent and knowledgeable I am so if I get confused I pity yer poor average Yank, no wonder they elect who they do.

There is state and federal law over here in the 'united' states. State law is obviously made by the state and federal law by the government.
Federal law should be the law of the land but over here laws and rules are merely guidelines and everyone here does as they please. Its called freedom.

I have broken both state and federal law since being here and I haven't even lived here that long. For instance 'Illegal' fireworks on the 4th July really means "Who says what I can and cannot explode to celebrate my cuntry? I'm being patriotic (idiotic more like) so don't tread on me" usually those who use illegal fireworks don't live in areas with flammable brush nearby and don't care about those who do or those with shingles on their roof instead of tile.

Its a 'I've got mine' country otherwise known as Capitalism, study politicians to see it in action I bet none of those have to crush cans to make the rent or have ever pushed a shopping cart full of groceries home from the shops a mile away because they don't have a car. Funny how they all seem to get connected up to big money deals, maybe they do it on their days off.

Anyway I need to get my hands on a gun no questions asked but the gangs at the park are afraid of me and the Police and military go on about being a legal resident so I applied to the Sheriffs office , being a Sheriffs deputy isn't being a real cop you get to drive about places and harass people and are only accountable to yerself................ sounds similar to real police but anyone can join it these days and you don't even have to like donuts.

I applied for them and I was worried about the background check as I have a lot of skeletons and tied up naked weemen in my closet but they let me fill that part out myself, like writing on my blog really.

The name and address question was difficult as I have so many to keep track of. It was all plain sailing which is an odd expression as plains fly and not sail then I got to the mandatory drug test, what? why do they need that? big fucking brother if you ask me.
Ok I may have taken a few things as of late which might hamper my prospects so I excused myself and made a quick phone call to one of my peeps.

I'm just so smart sometimes it scares me.

Long story short I didn't get the job but it wasn't because of the drug test, the psych test said I was way too sane but I did find out from the drug test that I'm 3 months pregnant.

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